Power of Intention
Be realistic... Expect Miracles.
Intention Circles on Maui
Aloha, And welcome to my blog!
This blog and our weekly Group Intention Circles were inspired by Lynne McTaggarts book, The Power of Eight. I was only two chapters in when I decided to start my own Intention Circle. In September 2018, we held our first Circle with only 4 people. We now have 3 meetings each week with 5-9 people in every meeting! As I have watched my own life, and the lives of those who participate regularly transform into one of depth, fulfillment, opportunity, peace and joy, I am convinced that this is the way we are meant to experience our lives; through clear intention, intuition, inspiration, and in total freedom. That is my quest, and my ardent desire for us all. I see these intention circles as a vehicle through which that can happen for every one of us. Can it be that easy? I am convinced that indeed, that is the way life is designed to be. You’re welcome to join us and find out.
The Power of Intention has become my passion project. I practice, explore, research and question it in some way every day. And the more I discover the more inspired and committed to forming these groups I become. So the purpose of this blog is to share that inspiration and all the tidbits I discover along the way with the hope of inspiring you too.
Subscribe to receive my bi-weekly posts.
And, if you would like more information about the circles, joining one in your area, or help forming one of your own, just go to the Contact button and send me a message. These circles are changing peoples lives, and they're free.
We are so powerful when we come together to serve each other and the world around us in this way.
With love as my intention,
P.S. I am also available for spiritual counseling privately by appointment.
For every human problem there is a spiritual answer.
"I've come to believe that miracles aren't individual but the result of collective forces, especially when we move past the puniness of the self. I've given up trying to explain the magic. It's enough to show, even in small glimpses that it's there. I've witnessed many miracles with this project: evidence that our world and our innate capacity is far greater than that envisioned by Newton or acknowledged by modern scientists. I've observed first hand that consciousness is a collective activity, with the ability to traverse time and space, and that minds connect from any distance when focused on a single point. Connection has nothing to do with proximity and everything to do with the collective power to create. Moving away from self-help is our most potent healer. I now believe that group intention could indeed heal the world, but not in the way that I first imagined. The target doesn't really matter. The healing is all in the participation, the desire to pray with one voice. There was no other conclusion I could draw. Sending altruistic thoughts of healing in a group is a fast track to the miraculous." - Lynne McTaggart, The Power of Eight.